Alex spent his first week of life in the St Francis NICU. He was diagnosed with pneumonia and transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN). TTN is basically rapis breathing. He was breathing over 100 breaths per minute. Anything above 60 is considered rapid. He was not even allowed to eat until he was consistantly under 80 BPM.
The hardest part of giving birth was leaving the hospital without my baby. I had walked in with him, worked for many hour to deliver him, and now I had to go home without him. It was the first time I had been without him in 10 months. It was very hard and very weird.
Everyday, I would go to the hospital and spend time holding Alex, feeding him, and trying to produce milk for him. I was on a very strict pumping schedule. Even at night, I would pump every two hours. Matt would come around 5pm to spend the evenings with Alex. My good friend Jessica lived just two minutes from the hospital and was kind enough to fix me lunch and let me come over to rest at her house. Her mom was there at the time, helping out with Jess's new baby, Sawyer.
Alex was probably the most viewed NICU baby on the internet. He had lot of people who would watch him every day. I loved being able to log in and see him when I was at home. It allowed me to keep and eye on what was going on even when I wasn't there.
The hospital let us stay in a room there the night before we where bringing him home. We were allowed to have him in the room with us most of the day. When we got into the room, I had suddenly become very cold. So cold in fact that I was shivering uncontrollably. I just figured that is was the room and asked Matt to turn up the heat. We had visitors that day, including my parents, Matt's dad and step mom, my brothers, sister-in-law, nephews, and of course, my best friend. She stopped by to bring us lunch before she went back to DC. Once everyone had left, I was still not feeling well, so Matt took my temperature. It was 102 degrees. We called my midwife and the on call doctor sent me down to the ER to be checked out. After about 5 hours in the ER, and lots of uncomfortable tests, I was told I had a severe UTI and needed to be on antibiotics.
I finally was able to come back to my room around 6am that morning, and got a couple hours of sleep before Alex was brought back in from the NICU.
Alex finally came home on August 24th.