I think Alex is trying to teach me how to just let go and trust everything will be okay. I had my weekly ultrasound and midwife appointment today.
From the begining of my pregnancy, I had decided that I wanted a natural child birth. This is actually a very different than what I alway thought I wanted. I had always said that when I had children, the doc better be chasing me in the door with the epidural. Then I got pregnant and it was like a switch got flipped in my head. I started researching everything and realized how much better it was for me and Alex to have as natural of birth as possible.
So over the last 10 months, Matt and I have been preparing for our child's entry into the world. We have selected a fantastic midwife, taken our natural childbirth class, hired a doula to help during labor, and have been mentally and physically preparing for the upcoming birth.
Well, today I found out that I may not get my natural birth. Not only is it possible that I will not have a natural childbirth, but I also may end up not getting to labor at all. I am 40 weeks and 5 days into my pregnancy, and if I do not go into labor by Wednesday morning, I am scheduled to have a c-section. This is just about the worst senerio I could have come up with, and now it is my reality.
We are going to do everything we can to get labor going in the next few days. Tomorrow my midwife will strip my membranes, and Saturday if I still haven't gone into labor, I will drink the birth drink. I am okay with going into the c-section at least knowing that I did everything I could to get him here naturally.
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