
Doctors, Doctors, and more Doctors

We brought Alex home on a Monday, then had to take him to the Pediatrician on that Tuesday to be weighed in and have his vitals checked.  That appointment wasn't too bad, lots of questions to answer and some poking and prodding at the little man.

I also had to take him to and ENT to have his tongue tie corrected.  This was probably worse for me than for Alex.  I took my mom with me, and boy am I glad I did.  We got to the doctors office and the nurse was kind enough to let me nurse him before they started messing with him.  Then I had to hold him in my lap while they numbed and snipped the tissue that was attaching the tip of his tounge to his month.  Alex screamed and I cried while to procedure was happening.  It took no time really, and once it was over, Alex was fine.  I think I may be traumatized forever now though.  It is the worse thing to have to haold your baby while he screams and know there is nothing you can do.

He has now been to the pediatricians office about 10 times.  Most of the appointments were for well baby visits, but at least three have been because of his breathing.  He now has a nebulizer and is on singular once a day.  He is a very congested baby, and sometimes at night, he sound absolutely horrible.  His doctors say he will be that way for the duration of winter, but then it should get better.

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